Cut Flowers

Our flower operation is a part of what makes Ruth Bennett Community Farm unique. Growing flowers serves multiple purposes on the farm. Selling bouquets in the summer and wreaths in the winter gives the farm an additional source of revenue which is funneled back into expanding our infrastructure and community programming.

Cultivating annual and perennial flowers helps to support a resilient pollinator population which is a vital part of a healthy ecosystem. Pollinators and other beneficial insects help all of the other plants on the farm to thrive. Without all of these important insects we wouldn’t have fresh produce here on the farm!

Growing and giving flowers is an unspoken language of gratitude for the earth and for each other. We offer free bouquets work shops and make our seasonal flowers available at food distributions and farmers markets. We know the difference that a vase of fresh flowers can make as they serve beauty to our homes.


Bouquets & Wreaths

Every week throughout the summer we craft bouquets with our local, seasonal and organically grown flowers. When winter comes we transition to creating wreaths with herbs from our garden and foraged foliage. We sell them through Philly Foodworks, an online market serving locally sourced groceries to Philadelphia. The revenue from our bouquets and wreaths is reinvested into growing the programs and infrastructure at Ruth Bennett Community Farm.

Pollinators and Beneficials

Pollinators and other beneficials are among the unsung heroes putting food on our tables. The bees and butterflies pollinate crops which in turn causes fruits and vegetables to grow. Other insects like praying mantises, ladybugs and spiders act as pest control by eating problematic bugs that can destroy crops.

Giving Flowers

Flowers are a vibrant reminder of the gifts and resiliency of earth. Giving connects us to one another and creates reciprocity whereby we all come to have more than we did before. We always have an abundance of annual flower seedlings and potted perennial flowers that we share with our communities.